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Overview: Prospective Students
Overview of PAs in Ontario
The Ministry of Health and Long Term Care’s (MOHLTC) 2006 Health Human Resources plan called for the introduction of Physician Assistants into the Ontario healthcare system to contribute to decreased wait times and improved access to primary care. HealthForce Ontario Pilot and Demonstration projects began in 2007 with PAs in various clinical positions in Ontario.
The Physician Assistant (PA) works entirely under the CPSO's Delegation of Controlled Acts Policy Number: #8-10, both as a student and as a medical professional. Exactly the same as medical students. Their duties and responsibilities fall directly under the supervision of a licenced physician. The PAs Scope of Practice is directly aligned with their supervising physician's Scope of Practice, which can be tailored by the supervising physician and to the facility's policies.
As of April 1, 2025, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) will begin regulating PAs in Ontario. Learn more about it through this link: CPSO - Physician Assistants.
The Canadian Association of Physician Assistance (CAPA) is the national governing body for the profession,, which has developed the National Competency Profile (NCP) and a Scope of Practice documents. At arms length from CAPA, the Physician Assistant Certification Council provides and monitors the certification process.
This video from CAPA (Canadian Association of Physician Assistants) will give you an excellent overview of the Physician Assistant profession in Canada, and the value these highly trained heath professionals bring to the health care system.
Canada Needs PAs from Genevieve Peeke on Vimeo.
Supplemental Application
All applicants are required to submit a supplemental application (as well as transcripts and references).
Applicants who do not submit the supplemental application by the application deadline will not be considered for interview.
In some cases, the Admissions Office may wish to verify additional information about activities that are described in the supplemental application form. Therefore, the applicant must provide the name, address (or e-mail address) and phone number of at least one contact person (Verifier) for each activity that the applicant considers to be of major importance. Please notify your verifiers so that they may be contacted by the Admissions Office.
As part of the selection process, the Program will invite approximately 150 applicants to attend a Virtual Multiple Mini Interview. The invitation to interview will be e-mailed out to the selected applicants approximately two weeks prior to the vMMI date.
Disabilities and Admission to the BScPA Program
The Temerty Faculty of Medicine, in accord with the Ontario Human Rights Code and University Policy, is committed to provision of equal access opportunities to all qualified applicants. To fulfill the requirements of the PA program and to avoid serious risk to the health and safety of patients/clients, students are required to acquire competency in a wide range of knowledge, skills and abilities. Individuals with special needs are advised to contact the Office of Admissions, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, and to carefully review the following document:COFM_Abilities_Nov08.16.pdf
Police Records Check
Information regarding requirements for Vulnerable Persons Criminal Record Check/Police Record Check will be available upon admission to the program.
Full Time Status
The structure of the program requires that all students be registered in the program on a full-time basis. Attendance at all Campus Block and clinical evaluation components of the program and participation in all distance components are mandatory.
Employment while enrolled in the full-time professional degree program is strongly discouraged.
Program Information
Program Information
Approximate Tuition and other fees
For more information on the Program (e.g. Model Route and Program at a Glance) see "Current Students"